Legal team
Ricardo Aristizábal
He is an Attorney graduated from the Universidad Externado of Colombia. He is an specialist in Customs Law, from the same University. Master´s Degree in Commercial Law at the Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Sanitary Registrations, Corporate Law, Customs Law and Intellectual Property Law. He has performed as Counselor with the law firms Zarama & Cia. Ltda. 1993 – 1995 and Triana, Uribe & Michelsen 1996 – 2005.

Francisco Javier Aristizábal
He is an Attorney graduated from the Universidad La Gran Colombia.
Industrial Property and Trademark and Patent Registration; He has performed as Counselor with the Distinctive Signs Division of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce 1981 – 1985. He also worked as external counselor for Fenalco Antioquia where he processed the registration of marks, slogans, names, and trade names before the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Bogota, 1986 - 1998. Nowadays, he is private counselor of national and foreign companies in the area of Intellectual Property Law.
Julieth Gutiérrez
She is an Attorney graduated from the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. She is an specialist in Commercial Law from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Sanitary Registrations and Industrial Property. She has worked as a Lawyer since 2012

Natalia Martínez
She is an Attorney graduated. Specialist in Procedural Law.
Areas of Practice:
Sanitary Registrations and Industrial Property. She has worked as a Lawyer since 2021.
Jéssica Fúquene
Food Engineer from the Universidad de la Salle
Areas of Practice:
specializing in Quality and Sanitary Records. She has served as a Regulatory Affairs Professional.

Ckybeth Montañez
Chemical Engineer from the University of La Sabana.
Areas of Practice:
Chemical Engineer from the University of La Sabana.
Areas of Expertise
Diego Sua
Food Engineer from Jorge Tadeo Lozano University with a Master’s in Process and Product Design.
Areas of Practice:
Innovation, Development, and Sanitary Records. He has served as an In-House Regulatory Affairs Coordinator.

Adriana Rodríguez
Food Engineer from La Salle University with a specialization in Project Management and Marketing, Communication, and Sales.
Areas of Practice:
Quality and Sanitary Records. She has served as an In-House Regulatory Affairs Coordinator.